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The Trauma-Informed Poverty Fighter: A Webinar with Dave Lockridge

December 14, 2021 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CST

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Those on the frontlines of poverty alleviation are well-acquainted with the counter-productive, harmful, and even bizarre behavior that so often accompanies poverty: stunted emotional development, lack of self-control, irrational or risky behavior, and a propensity for numbing agents such as drugs or alcohol are common issues.

The persistence and severity of these problems can be a head scratcher and a headache for poverty fighters. But untangling these deep-seated issues doesn’t have to be a mystery: as it turns out, there is rhyme and reason behind many of these harmful habits and hang-ups. Trauma, if left unaddressed, wreaks havoc on the mind and heart of the person who experienced it, leaving mental and emotional scars that often manifest themselves as dysfunctional behavior. More frightening still is the tendency of those who have experienced trauma to perpetuate it: using and abusing others, just as they have been used and abused.

Is there hope for those who have experienced life’s worst atrocities? Can we help put a stop to the perpetuation of trauma? Is there a way to sensitively and intelligently respond to troubling behaviors? At True Charity, we give a resounding “yes!” to these questions and invite you to join us for an exploration of the impact and healing of trauma.

Join True Charity Initiative for a webinar featuring Dave Lockridge, Founder and CEO of ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Overcomers. Dave is a recognized leader in the trauma-informed movement both nationally and internationally who takes a scientific yet sensitive approach to issues of trauma. This introductory webinar is perfect for those who need a basic understanding of and strategy for addressing trauma.

After the presentation, there will be an opportunity to engage Dave for a time of Q&A. True Charity Network members will receive exclusive on-demand access to the recording of the webinar. You can learn more and sign up for the True Charity Network here.

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December 14, 2021
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CST
Event Category:



December 14, 2021
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CST
Event Category:
