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Webinar: Creating a 5-Star Donor Experience

June 27, 2023 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CDT

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Are you effectively communicating to your donors how much you value them?

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When it comes to engaging your donor base, a prompt, solid thank-you system is a solid foundation. From there, personalizations and regular updates are valuable additions. But to create an unforgettable donor experience? That will set you apart from the vast majority of nonprofits and keep your donors loyal and engaged in your mission.

Trevor Bragdon, Founder of 7-Figure Fundraising, will share practical strategies to give your donors an elevated experience that keeps them coming back for years to come.

As Founder and CEO of Insight Applied and host of the 7-Figure Fundraising podcast, Trevor Bragdon uses his MSc in Behavioral Science from the London School of Economics to build training courses for corporate and nonprofit executives. Trevor has helped hundreds of nonprofit leaders and organizations improve their pitches and increase donations.

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June 27, 2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CDT
Event Category:




June 27, 2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CDT
Event Category:

