Simply providing a house doesn’t solve homelessness-no, it’s not that easy. It requires address the root causes. TCI’s Nathan Mayo responds to the premise of the book ‘Homelessness is a housing problem in this article, originally published in WORLD Magazine.

What is our role in working with those in need? Are we responsible for or to them? Understanding the difference between those two prepositions is vital in preventing dependency and nurturing individuals’ capacity. Guest contributor Doug Gamble explains.

There’s great potential in collaboration among churches and nonprofits, but many times this partnership doesn’t occur. Guest contributor Kevin Peyton, who serves in both capacities simultaneously (Joshua’s Place and The Village Church), provides an explanation for why this is and suggestions on how to forge these relationships.

“You don’t know what you don’t know.” TCI’s Amanda Fisher reflects on her years of experience serving people in poverty and how this perennial saying describes her recent effective charity awakening.

“Human touch is so important,” says Jocelyn Brisson, shelter manager at Watered Gardens Rescue Mission in southwest Missouri. While many of us sorely feel the lack of human contact during the pandemic, most homeless individuals have experienced this relational loss for years…