Civil society has retreated for the past half century, but Tim Carney posits that it isn’t dead; it has just gone into hiding. This synopsis of his book Alienated America reveals how the church can play a crucial role in reviving it.

Experiencing poverty as an immigrant to the United States from Mexico, author Mauricio Miller challenges common assumptions about the working poor and proposes solutions that give them more control than conventional wisdom allows.

The Christian Enterprise Solutions to Poverty Field Guide explores and maps the field’s cutting-edge approaches to the perennial issue of poverty. The guide is packed with case studies, history, trends, barriers, and insights. TCI’s Network Director, Nathan Mayo rolls up the key takeaways.

78% of the unsheltered homeless struggle with some form of mental health issue, so encountering serious mental illness is likely when working with those in poverty. In Madness & Grace, Matt Stanford contends that you can do more than just refer them to a professional.

“There is hope! This is not an empty statement that I say to make people feel better but a fact based on the miracles I see every day; lives are being transformed and families are being restored.” – Stanford on holistic recovery

Amy Sherman offers both historical and contemporary examples of sustainable community engagement from which charity workers and churches can gain inspiration and insight to bring peace to their local communities.